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Would you like to have assistance in optimizing the usage of Winshuttle in your organization. We can provide in-house training for you tailored to meet your exact requirements and processes that you want to automate. In addition, we can provide experts who will develop scripts fpr you, document them and teach the users to use and maintain them.

Consulting Services


  • Analysis of the CONNECT log information

  • Interview of Developer Users

  • Suggestion of improvement of usage

  • Analysis of training needed

  • Development of Winshuttle  usage governance programme

Training Services


  • In-house training courses

  • Basic Training

  • Advanced Training

  • Certification training of Winshuttle Product Manager

Development Services


  • Development of Winshuttle Transaction and Query scripts based on your need and requirement

  • Training of users to use the developed scripts and further maintenance

Workflow Application Development Services


  • Requirement specification of the application

  • Script and form development, unit testing, system testing and finally user acceptance testing. 

Are you struggling with a big day to day workload inhibiting you to fully exploit the potential of the Winshuttle products you have purchased. Let us help you to take advantage of all possibilities the products can provide you to improve your productivity and reduce the cost

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