Challenges associated with ERP Metadata

Discoverability & Access
Metadata from systems is often not available in Relational Database Management System catalogs, and is stored behind series' of tables or APIs, making retrieval complex and time-consuming.

Understanding Metadata
Large packaged applications such as ERP and CRM systems have extensive and intricate data models, causing navigation to be problematic.  

Systems have extensive and intricate data models, which makes collecting relevant data difficult along with causing additional difficulties in navigation.

Relevant metadata for projects is difficult to utilize with other products and technologies organizations have in place.

Creating Lineage
Cataloging and storing metadata definitions in Excel involves manual work maintaining table relationships. This takes time and can be a source of errors.
The Product - Safyr
Safyr, developed by Silwood Technology, is specifically designed to help organizations extract, understand, and work with metadata from complex enterprise applications such as ERP systems, CRM systems, and other large-scale databases.  Safyr's primary focus is on metadata discovery and analysis for these types of systems, which often have vast and intricate data structures. 
Key Safyr Features

Visual Discovery
Safyr swiftly uncovers insights from complex data models using easy-to-use visual entity relationship diagrams.

Single-Click Extraction
Safyr automates metadata extraction from ERP and CRM systems, reducing manual work otherwise needed.

Complete Lineage
Safyr extracts complete application data models, data types and the lineage between tables and database views.

Impact Analysis
Safyr's impact analysis helps teams understand data dependencies, reducing disruptions from changes and improving operational resilience.

Metadata Sharing
 Safyr supports industry standard JSON and XML export formats and is integrated to major data modeling tools.
Let's get into more detail about Safyr. Contact us through the portal below!