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Product information data is important to get right, but the challenge lies in getting it right across many platforms and systems. Having a PIM solution in place will help you achieve accuracy both internally and in customer facing operations.

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Challenges associated with Product Infromation Management


Complex Customization

Creating and adapting product content for various channels is time-consuming and challenging without a centralized solution.


Unspecified Accessibility

​Without role-based views and personalized access, users may struggle with information overload or inadequate data visibility. 


Bad Integrations

Integrating with diverse systems and networks, such as eCommerce and syndication platforms, often leads to difficulties and errors.


Inconsistent Data

Relying on multiple sources for product content can result in inconsistencies and outdated information.  


Data Relations

Managing complex relationships between products, categories, and hierarchies can become overwhelming and prone to errors.  


Limited Searchability

​Finding relevant product information across various attributes and trends is challenging with conventional systems.  

The product - EnterWorks

Precisely's EnterWorks Product Information Management (PIM) is a comprehensive solution that aggregates and manages product content across all business applications. EnterWorks provides a 360-degree solution for the on-boarding, cleansing, synchronization, and publication of product data.

Key EnterWorks features


Easy Content Creation

EnterWorks allows you to customize and acclimatize product content for every channel and preview it exactly as your customers would see it.


Content Repository

​EnterWorks powers unlimited data attributes and allows users to manage complex relationships between products and categories/hierarchies.


Dynamic Data Models

EnterWorks’ Data Models adapt to your business, not vice versa and allows you to solve speficic business challenges.


Role-based Viewing

 Customizable user views that adapt to acquisitions, expansions, and organizational changes and includes security and audit logs for accountability.


Tight Integrations

integrates with eCommerce systems, back-end systems, GDSN and other syndication networks along with resource tools already in use.


Enhanced Search

Search across attributes, facets, images, and text to keep up with trends in products, lifecycles, and markets.  

Let's get into more detail about EnterWorks. Contact us Through the portal below!

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